Mix Media Collage

Mixed Media Collage

   Ever since I was young, I have been interested in different cultures. There are many different cultures in my family. I have cousins, aunts, and uncles from all over the world. Traveling the world has been my lifetime dream for the longest. As I grew up, I added to the dream in terms of wanting to take my other passions such as reading and English and share them with others. Being a teacher and being able to teach students English as a second language is my dream.
    In the collage above I depicted an airplane flying through the sky in the clouds. This symbolizes me, traveling the world. The background is the sky. I tried creating a gradient with tissue paper. Using different shades of blues, black, and purple, I tried showing how I would be traveling day and night to different places around the world. The airplane and clouds were made with cut and balled up newspaper. I used newspaper to symbolize how I would one, be writing about my travels, but also sharing my passion for reading and literature.


  1. I like that its simple but nice at the same time

  2. Cool like the crazy design. No lie bro that looks cool i like that the airplane is in the middle with all the clouds around it. By the way the background looks cool because of all the colors.

  3. I like how you went crazy on this. It was messy but you had a clear vision of what you were going for. Good art piece.


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